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About The SiliconGig

Technology has an important role in modern days. We all are dependent on technology for every single task and we can’t imagine our life without technology. It is as important as breathing fresh air.

At SiliconGig we are providing the most relevant and reliable stories of technology founders and CEO(s) from around the world. Since they are the true innovators and their contribution to society is changing lives of billions.

We believe behind their hard work, dedication and journey there’s always one thing which has kept them motivated to do better and more. And here at the silicongig we are trying to uncover those things which will inspire millions of people from around the world to create a better tomorrow and learn to think and innovate like our past and current high tech founders and CEOs have done.

Who We Are

We are a team of high tech professionals and founders who love to research and write about technology and innovations. We do research on the topic through various offline and online sources to bring the most relevant and reliable information.

For any reason if you have any concern or queries then please do write to us at We will do our best to answer your queries as earliest as we can.

Kumar Singh

(Editor –

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